Photographic Evidence
Made Easy

Join the growing community of happy house builders
Using your smart phone you can now easily take photos which are 100% compliant with the requirements of Appendix B of the Approved Document Part L1 2021 Building Regulations in three simple steps.
1. Simply open the My Site Witness app.
2. Select your project, plot number and the photo type from the pre-defined list as required by Part L1.
3. Snap, Save & Share your geo-located, date and timed photographic evidence. All photos are labelled with the plot number, photo reference, date & time.

The app is not only quick and easy to use, the My Site Witness is built especially for the UK construction sector enabling simple photographic evidencing which can be easily saved to your device or shared with your energy assessor and building control officer.
Part L 2021
All images are saved in the correct file format, automatically detailing the plot number and photo reference saving you time and money. No manual file re-naming required here.
Geo Location
All images include a map, address, latitude and longitude and altitude making it simple to verify the photo or video and relevance to your project.
Date & Time
All images include the time and date helping other identify when the works were completed. Great for sharing with others such as your energy assessor and building control officer.
How the App Works
Make it your own
Setup your company details and give your project a name. Even add your own company logo.
Your now ready to go!

Quick & easy to use
Simply select the plot number and photo reference. Even add additional notes.

Easy to share
Simply select the photos or videos in your photo album and share with your colleagues, building inspector or energy assessor. Even save to your favourite cloud storage applications like dropbox, safe in the knowledge the correct file naming for easy digital filing and sorting.

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Our Story
Designed by a collaboration of expert UK house builders and energy assessors and built by app experts.
The UK team of house building and energy assessment professionals with over 20 years experience partnered with app experts Susamp Infotech to developer the My Site Witness app. Not only have we created the only builder friendly evidencing app specific to the Part L1 requirements, together we have created the simplest and quickest way to capture, save and share it too.
User Reviews
“Being a part of the beta testing group over the last few months, its been great fun using the app. It's certainly making photo evidencing easy” 30/09/22
Mark - Property Developer
“Having received photos taken by the My Site Witness app, its brilliant that they are all already correctly named. Definitely saves time compared to traditional photo apps. I'd highly recommend to my clients.” 06/10/22
Tyler - Energy Assessor
“A great tool i've been recommending for my clients to use to record all the evidence in one easy to use app.” 07/10/22
Dave - Architect