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What are the Building Regulations requirements for photographic evidence under AD Part L1 2021?

Darren Pinnick

With the effect of 15th June 2022 all new dwellings are required to provide photographic evidence to the building control body and to the building owner to show that building work complies with energy efficiency requirements.

In addition the photos must be provided to the person carrying out the SAP assessment and energy performance certificate (EPC) to enable them to carry out a review that the as built construction is reflective of that assessed at the design stage. This person is often referred to as the energy assessor.

The energy assessor is required to review the supporting photographic evidence prior to finalising the "As Built" SAP assessment and lodging the BREL report and EPC.

The My Site Witness makes it simple & easy for house builders to quickly record site evidence by way of a photo or video which has all the necessary information included.

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